6 Reasons to Use Organic Coffee

1. Chemicals

In terms of chemicals, coffee is one of the most heavily treated crops of any agricultural commodity.

2. Pesticides and insecticides

When land (often rainforest) is cleared for mass coffee growing, the crops are exposed to maximum daylight and are more vulnerable to pests and insects. Farmers need even more pesticides and insecticides to cultivate the crops for commercial use.

3. The Environment

When heavily treated coffee beans are washed, the chemicals in the water go back into the rivers and soil of the surrounding environment and interrupts the equilibrium of the land.

4. Your Daily Cup

One of the most absorbent crops on the planet, coffee absorbs its flavor directly from the soil. Unfortunately, it also absorbs any pesticides and insecticides that’s in the soil ending up in your coffee cup.

5. Your Health

Commonly used pesticides like Endosulfan and Carbofuran are known to have carcinogenic properties that can cause nerve and neurological damage over time.

6. The Farmers

Farmers and their families are constantly exposed to harmful chemicals, not only when treating the coffee plantations, but also when the chemicals leach into their waterways and surrounding land.

Simplify Coffee with a New Way to Brew

One Fresh Cup is a revolutionary way to brew that uses ready-packed single-serve filters. You can consistently brew a great cup without having to worry about any of the mistakes mentioned above! Let’s see why:

  • Coffee grounds are measured for you. Each single-serve filter is pre-packed with the exact amount of grounds for the perfect cup.

  • Packed filters are nitrogen flushed and sealed within hours of grinding to preserve freshness.

  • Coffee beans are professionally ground to perfection in small batches.

  • The traditional pour over is one of the oldest brewing methods and produces a consistently great coffee.

  • There’s no need for machines so your coffee will never be exposed to bacteria or mold.

A Simpler Way to Brew Coffee

Pour Over Perfection

One of the oldest and most preferred brewing methods to produce a consistently great cup of coffee.

No measuring

Each single-serve filter is pre-packed with the exact amount of grounds for the perfect cup.

No machines

Just as simple to use but your coffee will never be exposed to bacteria or mold.

No mess and simple cleanup

Nothing to clean, just toss the used filter in the trash and you're on your way!

3 Steps to Brew



Remove filter from package and tear along perforation.



Gently pull hangers away from filter and set on coffee mug.



Slowly pour hot water into filter in small intervals.

Try Our 2 New Organic Blends

One Fresh Cup offers 2 new premium organic blends. Sourced from the world’s most famous coffee regions, each blend is meticulously roasted and exceptionally fresh, for a great tasting brew.