These 4 Shocking Facts Will Make You Never Want To Use a Keurig Again

And here’s what you can use instead…

1. Plastic coffee pods are made out of #7 Polycarbonate

One of the worst types of plastic composites. It’s known to contain Bisphenol-A or BPA, a dangerous hormone disruptor that leaches out when the plastic is exposed to heat or acid. Research has linked BPA exposure to reproductive disorders, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, fetal brain development, and breast and prostate cancer. How many K-Cups do you normally consume a day? 1, 2… even 3? The dangers of this terrible plastic is enough to never use another K-Cup again.

2. Number 7 Polycarbonate is also entirely non-biodegradable.

Did you know that over 8.3 million K-Cups are discarded every year, enough to circle the earth 10.5 times?! Just let that sink in for a while…

3. The rubber tube and internal tank of the Keurig can never be drained or cleaned!

These warm dark settings are the perfect harbor for mold, mildew and bacteria. Think about how long you’ve had your Keurig for….  months… even years? Yikes!

4. The K-Cup lid is made of polyethylene coated foil or “aluminum foil”

...Which is sadly associated with all the infamous bad guys; Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, depression, autism and celiac disease. When the lid is punctured, the hot water takes with it some of the aluminum to your cup of mornin’ joe... which is a coffee condiment you just don’t need.

There’s never been a better time to Kill The K-Cup!

Still love the convenience of single serve coffee?

Good news! There’s a new single serve brew in town that requires no machines, no expensive equipment and makes no mess.

One Fresh Cup coffees are single serve pour over coffees - individual filters that are ready-packed with premium coffee grounds. All you need to do is simply tear open the filter, set it on top of your coffee mug and pour over hot water. In minutes you have a hot fresh pour over coffee made with no plastic pods, no machines, no coffee pots and no mess. Check it out here and join the coffee revolution!

3 Steps to Brew



Remove filter from package and tear along perforation.



Gently pull hangers away from filter and set on coffee mug.



Slowly pour hot water into filter in small intervals.

Try 7 Premium Blends

One Fresh Cup offers 5 premium blends. Sourced from the world’s most famous coffee regions, each blend is meticulously roasted and exceptionally fresh, for a great tasting brew.